Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Use of Blog's in an Organizational Context

Among the many different forms of communication within an organization, blogs are one of them. They are a form of informal communication that can unveil an infinite amount of information about a company. In today's world, a majority of information is given in digital format, from emails, pictures, videos and within seconds can all be posted on a blog for the world to see. Once again, blogs do have their own pros and cons, however if used correctly, blogs have the potential to change a company like nothing before.


There are roughly "9 million blogs out there with 40 000 new ones popping up each day". Imagine all that information that is streaming through the Internet. Yes, most of it can be UN-usable, but the other percentage that can be used is whats important. These blogs can be talking about your own business, about your employees, about the companies visions, its needs and wants. A company can keep track of which classified information has been leaked or not. It can be used internally as well, as a means of getting employee feed back, and keeping everyone up to date with the most recent news and events. Blogs can be viewed as a way to harvest brand new ideas, and to collect potential new clients. With so many people using blogs, one can think of it as a new channel of mass media and mass marketing. Its essentially a tub of information, where you can pick and choose to see anything you want to see.

On the other hand, blogs must be used wisely!


It takes about 8 minutes to sign up to a website and begin creating your own blog. Essentially it just took you 8 minutes to become a self-publisher. At this point anyone can write whatever they want about anything. For organizations, this is scary. Blogging can be compared to the grapevine effect but instead of being within the confines of the company, its within the confines of the Internet. Whatever you write, anyone can see. Blog posts will linger through the Internet forever. Any information about a company or its employees will be available and there will be no way of removing it.

Final Note:

As already explained, blogs are a modern source of large amounts of information. Companies definitely need to look into blogs and follow what is going on. However, it is very important that they monitor blogs regarding their own company and their employees. Whatever is released onto the Internet is there to stay. As a final note, yes there are risks when blogging, however it is a modern tool that should definitely be used in order for organizations to collect massive amounts of information on other companies, marketing strategies, products, and clients. (Just to name a few)

  1. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_18/b3931001_mz001.htm

Disadvantages to Using Wearable Computers

Even though, the advantages to using wearable computers greatly out-weigh the disadvantages to using them, there are still some negative factors that we must consider when thinking of incorporating them into our daily lives. Here are some of the important disadvantages and challenges to consider:
  • Prototypes: yes, technology is evolving and improvements are being made however many true and advanced wearable computers are only of prototype and are still being researched in labs across the world.

  • Not Available in the Market: as a result to most wearable computers only being in prototype phase, they aren't accessible yet in the market. It may still be years before a true wearable computer is integrated in our lives.

  • Expensive: due to the fact that these machines are so advanced, if they were among us today, they would be extremely expensive to purchase.

  • Software Challenges: it is tough to say how easy or not the wearable computers are to use, and how accurately they can be used to accommodate the user in performing his/her tasks at work.

  • Physical Challenges: it is true that the smaller the wearable computer the more convenient it is to use, however it is also true that the more complex the machine, the more power it will need to generate and the more heat is produced.

  • Communication: it is still being researched now to, what is the best way to communicate to the wearable machine as to not hinder the user from completing other activities simultaneously.

It is understandable that every thing regarding technology will have flaws, and it is for this reason to why many of these wearable computers are still prototypes. It is certain however, that this is a future of technology and a great tool when and if, it can be properly used and incorporated into our every day tasks.


  1. http://panuganty.tripod.com/articles/softwear.htm
  2. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

Advantages to Using Wearable Computers

Many may find it obvious that wearable computers are a good thing to use, in the end they are computers and very powerful tools in any field. But what are the specific advantages that a wearable computer can bring to a user? Here is a list of general advantages that wearable computers commonly bring when being used:

  • Portability: having the ability to be worn on the body as a piece of clothing or as an accessories, allows it to be brought anywhere, to be accessed anywhere, and becomes very convenient for anyone to use.

  • Constancy: one distinct feature of wearable computers is how they are constantly "on" and always interacting with the user and environment. There is no need to turn it on / off. Wearable computers create a constant user interface.

  • Multi-Task: wearable computers are designed to be worn and designed to work with the user. Therefore, users can focus on other primary tasks, while still having access to a computer.

  • Privacy: when using this IT, there is definitely a sense of privacy. Each wearable is personal to its user and are designed specifically to adapt to its user. Much information can only be accessed by those using the wearable computer.

More specifically, wearable computers also bring specific advantages depending on the field they are being used in. One of the primary fields using wearable computers is the Military. They are one of the most advanced technological organizations in many countries, and have adopted the uses of wearable computers. They have computers that are worn on the wrists, to give user access to information, maps, GPS, commands, etc. As well, they have computer body armor, that will monitor a soldiers health, as well as track there postures and positions around the world.

Another field benefiting from wearable computers is the medical/health industries. These wearable's can be placed on patients to help monitor heart rates, blood flows, etc. As well, as doctors and surgeons can easily find uses for wearable computers. They can store every file of information on every patient they need to tend to or use it to proceed with a surgery in order to limit any possible mistakes through the uses of cameras and scanners.


  1. http://panuganty.tripod.com/articles/softwear.htm
  2. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/computer-clothing.htm
  3. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

What do Wearable Computers Have the Potential to Replace?

With improving technology year after year, wearable computers have the potential to replace pretty much anything. With each new advancement in technology, more functionality and improvements in their designs are constantly being added, making them easier to use. It is important to remember that wearable computers are worn on the body. Essentially, what this new IT replaces are any standard desktop computers/laptops and any external equipment that are used for work related purposes. The reason for this is because they can be embedded into clothes and accessories. Smart clothing are wearable computers in the form of clothes embedded with wires and buttons in order to easily control the computer yet can be worn easily and comfortably.

As technology became more advanced, components became smaller and prices became cheaper, wearable computers took advantage of this. They are becoming much more suitable for day to day use and much easier to use at the work place. The best example are wearable computers that take the form of glasses. Worn the same as eyeglasses and goggles, however they have the capabilities of capturing audio and video, and can display to the user the same way as a computer monitor. This is how wearable computers can replace most technologies being used everyday. From basic computers to cameras and phones, anything seems to be convertible into something that can be worn and integrated to be part of the body, unobtrusive and easy to use.

As research on wearable computers continue, it's possibilities seem endless. This IT will find its way in improving any and every aspect of any field. In this day and age, we have become very dependant on technology, and what this IT allows us to do, is it gives us the opportunity to become more productive. It lets technology literally work hand in hand with each user in an easy, unobtrusive manner.

  1. http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/FAST.html
  2. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

Monday, April 5, 2010

What are Wearable Computers? What do they do?

The topic of discussion concerning this blog, if not already given away in the title, is all about wearable computers. However, what exactly defines a wearable computer?

In the most basic terms, wearable computers are computers that are worn on the body. They are directly incorporated with our bodies in which case for example, the computers are embedded into our clothing or worn as accessories like a pair of glasses. Dr. Steve Mann, a leading researcher in the field of wearable computers states that wearable computers are meant to, "[facilitate] a new form of human-computer interaction". He identifies two main characteristics that define wearable computers as being "always on" and "continual accessibility". In other words, this means that the computers are always with the user and always interacting with the user. Computers will no longer just be sitting on our desks as an external machine, but will be working hand-in-hand as a natural part of the body,a so-called "extension" of the user's mind and body.

So what exactly are they used for? Pretty much anything. They are designed to enhance our daily lives whether at home or work, through the accessibility of a computers technological powers.The reason to why they are so useful, is from their ability to multi-task. It doesn't require one to stop what they are doing to use a wearable computer, they are designed to be incorporated with the user.

The field of wearable computers began around the 1960's, and since then with the improvements of technology, the field has become much more diverse and complex. Wearable computers are a future in technology. Researchers have even begun to suggest that in the future, these wearable computers won't even be worn on the human body as clothes or accessories, but yet embedded and fused directly into their users. Now that's something to think about!

  1. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

  2. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/ccmak000.htm