Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Disadvantages to Using Wearable Computers

Even though, the advantages to using wearable computers greatly out-weigh the disadvantages to using them, there are still some negative factors that we must consider when thinking of incorporating them into our daily lives. Here are some of the important disadvantages and challenges to consider:
  • Prototypes: yes, technology is evolving and improvements are being made however many true and advanced wearable computers are only of prototype and are still being researched in labs across the world.

  • Not Available in the Market: as a result to most wearable computers only being in prototype phase, they aren't accessible yet in the market. It may still be years before a true wearable computer is integrated in our lives.

  • Expensive: due to the fact that these machines are so advanced, if they were among us today, they would be extremely expensive to purchase.

  • Software Challenges: it is tough to say how easy or not the wearable computers are to use, and how accurately they can be used to accommodate the user in performing his/her tasks at work.

  • Physical Challenges: it is true that the smaller the wearable computer the more convenient it is to use, however it is also true that the more complex the machine, the more power it will need to generate and the more heat is produced.

  • Communication: it is still being researched now to, what is the best way to communicate to the wearable machine as to not hinder the user from completing other activities simultaneously.

It is understandable that every thing regarding technology will have flaws, and it is for this reason to why many of these wearable computers are still prototypes. It is certain however, that this is a future of technology and a great tool when and if, it can be properly used and incorporated into our every day tasks.


  1. http://panuganty.tripod.com/articles/softwear.htm
  2. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

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