Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Advantages to Using Wearable Computers

Many may find it obvious that wearable computers are a good thing to use, in the end they are computers and very powerful tools in any field. But what are the specific advantages that a wearable computer can bring to a user? Here is a list of general advantages that wearable computers commonly bring when being used:

  • Portability: having the ability to be worn on the body as a piece of clothing or as an accessories, allows it to be brought anywhere, to be accessed anywhere, and becomes very convenient for anyone to use.

  • Constancy: one distinct feature of wearable computers is how they are constantly "on" and always interacting with the user and environment. There is no need to turn it on / off. Wearable computers create a constant user interface.

  • Multi-Task: wearable computers are designed to be worn and designed to work with the user. Therefore, users can focus on other primary tasks, while still having access to a computer.

  • Privacy: when using this IT, there is definitely a sense of privacy. Each wearable is personal to its user and are designed specifically to adapt to its user. Much information can only be accessed by those using the wearable computer.

More specifically, wearable computers also bring specific advantages depending on the field they are being used in. One of the primary fields using wearable computers is the Military. They are one of the most advanced technological organizations in many countries, and have adopted the uses of wearable computers. They have computers that are worn on the wrists, to give user access to information, maps, GPS, commands, etc. As well, they have computer body armor, that will monitor a soldiers health, as well as track there postures and positions around the world.

Another field benefiting from wearable computers is the medical/health industries. These wearable's can be placed on patients to help monitor heart rates, blood flows, etc. As well, as doctors and surgeons can easily find uses for wearable computers. They can store every file of information on every patient they need to tend to or use it to proceed with a surgery in order to limit any possible mistakes through the uses of cameras and scanners.


  1. http://panuganty.tripod.com/articles/softwear.htm
  2. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/computer-clothing.htm
  3. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

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