Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What do Wearable Computers Have the Potential to Replace?

With improving technology year after year, wearable computers have the potential to replace pretty much anything. With each new advancement in technology, more functionality and improvements in their designs are constantly being added, making them easier to use. It is important to remember that wearable computers are worn on the body. Essentially, what this new IT replaces are any standard desktop computers/laptops and any external equipment that are used for work related purposes. The reason for this is because they can be embedded into clothes and accessories. Smart clothing are wearable computers in the form of clothes embedded with wires and buttons in order to easily control the computer yet can be worn easily and comfortably.

As technology became more advanced, components became smaller and prices became cheaper, wearable computers took advantage of this. They are becoming much more suitable for day to day use and much easier to use at the work place. The best example are wearable computers that take the form of glasses. Worn the same as eyeglasses and goggles, however they have the capabilities of capturing audio and video, and can display to the user the same way as a computer monitor. This is how wearable computers can replace most technologies being used everyday. From basic computers to cameras and phones, anything seems to be convertible into something that can be worn and integrated to be part of the body, unobtrusive and easy to use.

As research on wearable computers continue, it's possibilities seem endless. This IT will find its way in improving any and every aspect of any field. In this day and age, we have become very dependant on technology, and what this IT allows us to do, is it gives us the opportunity to become more productive. It lets technology literally work hand in hand with each user in an easy, unobtrusive manner.

  1. http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/FAST.html
  2. http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/5586/wearable-computers.html

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